The main objective of the course is to train in the full use of Mendeley as a reference manager. Reference managers allow us to automatically insert citations and bibliography into academic works and help us avoid plagiarism.
The main objective of the course is to shed a light on the structure and composition of natural 2D-silicates with relation to their industrial ad environmental applications.
Basic Fundamentals of Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors
This course is an introduction of the theory of supercapacitors and the main electrochemical methodologies used for the characterization of the energy storage devices.
X-ray diffraction. Introduction to diffractogram analysis
The course includes qualitative interpretation techniques of the use of standardized calculation procedures and the introduction of the student to the use of computer applications that analyze experimental diffraction diagrams through the Rietveld method.
Determination of structures in real solids: Nuclear magnetic resonance technique
This course aims to provide basic knowledge for the study of real solids through a technique that informs about the local order of the atoms in the network.
Application of spectroscopic techniques
This course aims to provide basic knowledge for the acquisition, data processing and interpretation of basic and advanced spectroscopic techniques.